Sitecore OrderCloud Documentation


Portal login

API v1.0.14 Release Notes

Released on Tuesday, April 5, 2016


  • We've added some new functionality around how we store credit card and other payment transactions. If your app uses our credit card processing, you'll probably want to check out the documentation on Payments, and make sure everything is working the way you expect.

  • You can now use partial updates ( PATCH calls) to update fields on any model to NULL instead of having to overwrite with some other value!

  • We've changed how you can check if all the line items on an Order are being shipped to the same place. While you could previously set all the line items on an order to the same address by writing to Order.ShippingAddressID , the value was write-only. Now Order.ShippingAddressID will return a non-null value if and only if all the line items on that order have the same shipping address. Check out the documentation for more on this.

  • To go along with the above, if Order.ShippingAddressID is non-null (that is, all the line items are being shipped to the same place), newly added line items will inherit that shipping address.

  • Some performance improvements were made around working with line-items. If your app has a lot of PATCHing of line items, you'll hopefully notice those improvements.

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